Trips to: Somerville Lake, Fayette County Lake, Gibbons Creek

My goal is to share "Fun and Fish Tales." I want to make YOUR fishing experience an affordable and enjoyable adventure

Rates & Fees

Cash or Check Only

Normal trips are 4-5 hours. Trips start at 6:30AM to 7AM depending on daylight hours and ends about 11:00-11:30 to go clean fish. Usually through cleaning fish by about 12:30. Thanks

Rates – Minimum Fee

With Summer heat trips starting at 6:30AM and head to marina by 11:00. Rate effective 2/1/2022
Must have at least one adult on the boat with the children

My Guarantee

  • There is no Guarantee that you will catch fish.  I Guarantee I will try to show you a good time on the water, that we will move as much as it takes to find fish, and if the fish do not cooperate, We will be fishing, and if the fish do cooperate, We will be catching.  Come have some fun.
  • Crappie are the most unpredictable fish around, so be prepared for as many slow days as good days when Crappie Fishing.

Additional Information

  • Contact me for price if two boats are needed
  • Fish filleting is included. Boneless fillets are bagged ready for your trip home.
  • I furnish boat, bait, rod-n-reels, all tackle, life jackets, and coolers onboard.
  • Items such as sun screen, weather protective gear, valid Texas fishing license as required, food and drinks, and a cooler for taking home fillets are your responsibility.

I used to Fish Snow or Shine!! Not Snow anymore 😉

(I don’t fish in lightning, winds in excess of 20 miles per hour And I DON’T fish with the weather man!!)

Bring your kids, your dad, your mom, your grandpa, your grandma, or your friends. Come fish with me and let’s have some fun!!!!

Just click the date you want to book on the calendar and fill out form below. A confirmation email will be sent once date is confirmed.
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